
Hi People I have my first new solo album out in 7 years , The Grand Mal was written during the 2020 Lockdown. An uplifting collection of songs embedded with Soul, Electro , acoustic and Rock influences. It contains Performances by Kelly Wood on Piano, Andrew Stewardson on Synthesisers, Pete Marshall on drums , Gary Hadfield on bass, Schrodinger’s Strings on Harps. Recorded at Blue Print Studios produced by Gary Hadfield, cover photograph by Kelly Wood graphics by Anthony Mulryan. The album is released on September 2nd. There is an extremely limited number of vinyl and compact disc formats available on pre sale now from the QR code below or tomhingleynew-memorabilia.bandcamp.com its very beautifully packaged , and I’ve never been prouder of an album

Tom Hingley's Bitter Tom Hingley solo THB-skullxbones280x279